Family: Ranunculaceae

Scientific Name: Anemone blanda

Common Name: Anemone blanda, Greek Anemones, Grecian Wind Flower

DescriptionA low growing plant with daisy-like flowers. Grows from a tuber not a bulb.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc.
SunlightIn zone #5 they can take spring sun, usually plant as an ephemeral under deciduous trees.
Moistureaverage, moist, avoid dry sites
Soil & Siteaverage, moist
Temperaturecool sites
Flowers2" daisy-like, most common color blue but also, pink white and shades in-between
Leavesfinely divided with three lobes, leaves resemble parsley or ranunculus
Stemsforms a tuber, look like dried rasions
MaintenanceWhen opening a package of A. blanda tubers they will look like dried raisins. I wet the dried tubers over night in moist paper towels or peat moss. Plant about 2-3" deep with four or more per square foot. Will spread by reseeding
Propagationseeds, division
Native SiteNative to areas from Greece through Asia minor to the Caucasus.
Misc FactsAnemone from the Greek "anemone" wind and "mone" fo habitation.
Author's NotesAt a Botanic garden I frequent the planting of the Windflower are tucked in areas under shrubs, by walls, etc. Eye candy in the spring. Especially the waves of blue flowers.
Notes & Reference#59-Naturalizing Bulbs (Rob Proctor), #113-Bulbs for Gardens Habits (Judy Glattstein), #146-Early Bulbs (Rod Leeds), #145-Plant Lives (Sue Eland) web site
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