Annuals and Perennials | |
Link | Description |
Barnhaven Primroses | Barnhaven is Legendary for it's Primroses. A nice site with photos and data. |
Cone | A good source of pictures and information on the ever increasing cultivars of Cone Flowers. |
Garden Vision Epimediums | A site full of information and pictures of Epimediums |
Kelhm | Grower and hybridizer of Daylily, Peony and may other perennials. Great pictures and information. A good site to visit. |
Perennial Resources | Lots of information and pictures of perennials. " Welcome to the source for inspiration and information on perennial gardening" |
Robin | A well done site with pictures and information on more than 500 Salvia. The author has been growing Salvia for over 20 years. |
Wright's Daylily | Over 200 pictures of different Daylilys. |

Biology Class | |
Link | Description |
Abagail's Pumpkin Recipes | A collection of recipes using fresh pumpkins. |
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forrest | Text and images of the Bristlecone Pine |
Archeology Info | This site has lots of up-to-date informaton on Human Evolution. |
Becoming Human | Lots of information on Human Evolution. Has a set of video clips on the subject. Great site!!! |
Bristlecone Pine | Bristol Cone Pine |
Bristlecone Pine | Royalty free pictures of this ancient tree. |
Cells Alive | Animated presentation on the process of mitosis. |
Dendrochronology | This site calls itself "The Ultimate tree-Ring Web Pages" |
DNA Interactive | DNA timeline and many other facts about DNA. Great interactive site!!!! |
Fifi's Pumpkin Pie Recipes | A list of recipes for fresh pumpkin pie. |
Human Evolution | Infromation and pictures of Homid skulls. |
Neanderthal Man | Neanderthal site |
Oldest Living Things | Lots of information on very old plants. |
Protozoans | A very nice sequence of pictures showing Amoeba eating. |
The Natural Institude | Articles on different areas of science. |
The Talk Origins Archive | A list of links on Human Evolution. |
The World's Biomes | A good site for information on biomes. This site divides the world into 5 different types of biomes. |
Tundra | A small site with some good pictures and information on the Tundra. |
Wisconsin DNR | This is the link to the Home Page of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. |
World Class Pumpkins | This site contains a plethora of information on the history and culture of growing giant pumpkins. |

Botanical Gardens/Arboretums | |
Link | Description |
Allen Centenial Gardens | Web site for the Allen Cententenial Gardens of Madison, Wisconsin (USA) |
Boerner Botanical Gardens | Web site for the Boener Botanical Gardens, Hales Corners Wisconsin |
Chicago Botanic Gardens | Web site of the Chicago Botanic Gardens in Glencoe Illinois. |
Milwaukee County Parks ( Milwaukee Wisconsin) | A link to Boerner Botanical Gardens, Mitchell Park Domes and all other Milwaukee, County Parks. |
National Arboretum | A link the the National Arboretum. Has a great section on the plant hardiness zone maps. |
Rotary Gardens | Web site for the Rotary Gardens, Janesville, Wisconsoin (USA) |
The Nature Conservancy | This is the web site for the Wiscosnin Nature Conservancy. They protect and preserve many thousands of acres of land in Wisconsin. |
The Royal Botanical Gardens (Kew) | The Kew Gardens are one of the more famous Botanical Gardens in the World. They are located in England |

Bulbs, Corms, Rhizomes, etc. | |
Link | Description |
Brent and Becky | A great site to shop for and learn about bulbs. |
Karchesky Canna Collection | Information, pictures and sales of Canna rhizomes | | A retail site packed with lots of pictures and information on Lilies. |
North Star Lily Society | A wonderful site packed with information and pictures of Lilies. |
Schreiner's Iris Gardens | This site is loaded with information and pictures of Iris. Schreiner's is a large distributer of Iris. They are located in Oregon, USA. |
The Fritillaria Group | The Fritillaria Group of the Alpine Garden Society created this site. Great images along with data and articles on this genus. Also easy to navigate. |

Cactus and Succulents | |
Link | Description |
Cactus Art | This site has an excellent “encyclopedia” of cactus and succulents with descriptive sheets and lots of pictures. |
Crazy for Agaves | Lots of information and pictures of Agave and Aloe. |
Cycads | Information on the Cycads |
Haworthia | Lots of information and pictures of Haworthias |
The Succulent Plant Page | A nicely done page with good information and quality pictures. Has areas on plants such as Haworthia, Peperomia, Agave, Cacti, etc. Many links are listed |
World of Agave | Images of lots of different Agave |

Clematis | |
Link | Description |
Clematis Nursery | A retail site specializing in Clematis. Good information and many varieties for sale. |
Clematis on the Web | An informational site with images an information on over 1650 Clematis. |

Clubs and Societies | |
Link | Description |
AHS Daylily Cultivar search | A direct link the the AHS daylily online registry |
American Begonia Society | The home site for people interested in growing Begonias. |
American Hemerocallis Society | Good source of information on the cultivar Hemerocallis. Contains the official Daylily registry. |
Connecticut Botanical Society | Lots of information on plants. |
International Aroid Society | Web site for the Aroid Society |
Ontario Rock garden and Hardy Plant Society | Good information of hardy plants. Has a seed exchange and advise on growing these plants from seed. |
The American Iris Society Iris Encyclopedia | A comprehensive encyclopedic source of Iris information. Since it is a Wiki site information is provided by many different members. |
Wild Ones | A non-profit organization with a mission to educate and share information with members and community at the "grass-roots" level and to promote biodiversity and environmentally sound practices |

Commercial | |
Link | Description |
Aquafina Gardens and Imports | AguaFina is a complete landscape architectural design and installation firm specializing in natural and formal style gardens, water features, Asian inspired garden design and unique rock settin |
Banana Tree | A source for Banana plants and seeds for many different types of tropical plants. |
Glass House | A very nice site with plants and other items for sale. A extraordinary selection of Coleus and other rare plants. |
Hardy Plants | A very large source of many different seeds. |
Natural Stone Granite Fountains | AguaFina is a complete landscape architectural design and installation firm specializing in natural and formal style gardens, water features, Asian inspired garden design and unique rock setting |
Poyner Landscaping and Construction | Expertise and experience in producing natural solutions of drainage and erosion control, erosion control, Brick patios, brick walkways, fencing, landscaping walkways, patios. |

Ferns | |
Link | Description |
Fancy Fronds Nursery | Fancy Fronds Nursery has a nice selection of ferns for sale with good descriptions of each |

Gardening | |
Link | Description | | Lots of information and many different types of plants. |
Emily Compost | A nice site with lots of informaton on gardening and plants. |
Garden Guides | A large and growing site full of information on gardening, plants, and most any horticuluture subject. A growing link section is provided. | | A large database of information on aspects of gardening. |
Melinda Meyers "Gardening Among Friends" | A site packed with information on gardening. Includes video clips and pod casts. Melinda is the host of her TV show "The Great Lakes Gardner". |
P Allen Smith Garden Home | A large site jam packed with information on gardening, food and recipes and life styles. |
Phoenix tropical Gardens | Lots of good information and pictures of plants. Especially plants that will tolerate drier/hot climates. |
Plant Facts | A site operated by the Ohio State University. Lots of information on plants, gardening and horticulture. |
Rainyside Gardens | Although a site dedicated to plants of the Pacific Northwest, still a nicely done informative site |
The Garden Helper | A site just loaded with lots of information on plants, care of plants, gardening, etc. |
The Garden of Paghat | One of the best informative sites on specific plants that are grown in her garden. |

Grasses , Sedges and relatives | |
Link | Description |
Bluestem Nursery | One of the best sites I have come across with pictures and informations on grass, sedge and willows. |

Heirloom plants | |
Link | Description |
Heirloom Orchadist | Lots of information on Heirloom gardening and plants. |
Heirtage Flower Farms | An e-commerce site with lots of solid information on herieloom plants |

Herbs | |
Link | Description |
Horizon Herbs | This site sells many different types of seeds. It has a grear reference section where information about the plant and how to grow the plant from seeds is provided. |
Indian Springs Herbal Encyclopedia | A nice glossary of terms and information on Herbs. |

Hosta | |
Link | Description |
American Hosta Society | Lots of information about the organization, shows, clubs, etc. |
Hosta Valley | A great site with lots of pictures and solid information about Hosta. |
Mickfields Hosta | A commercial site with lots of information, images and plants for sale. |
My Hosta | The author describes the site as "the site for the Hostaholic". Pretty much sums it up. Has a Hosta registery list . |

Indoor/Tropical | |
Link | Description |
Aglaonemas | A nice site dedicated to the Chinese Evergreen. Has descriptions of the many cultivars that are availiable. |
All About Indoor Plants | A nice site with good solid information on growing plants indoors. |
Brads Begonia World | A site created by Brad for all who love and grow begonias. A one stop source for information on all types of Begonias. |
Brian's Botanicals | Lots of information and pictures of exotic tropical plants. |
Brian's Garden | Good solid information on house plants plus outdoor gardening. |
DeLeon | Lots of pictures and information on Bromeliads. |
Ficus | This site has pictures and information on some of the new Ficus cultivars. |
Floridata | This site is packed with pictures and in depth descriptions of the plants. Most material based on plants of Florida (USA) |
Gardino Nursery | A source for purchasing a large variety of rare and unusual plants. Nice snippets of information about each plant. |
Guide To House Plants | A well put together site. Easy to navigate with good information and pictures. |
John and Jacq | An extensive site with lots of pictures and information on tropical plants. Many of which can be used for indoor gardening. The authors live in Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia |
Peperomia Net | A site dedicated to the genus Peperomia |
Plant Care | Lots of information on growing indoor plants. |
Plantfacts | Good information and pictures of different plants. |
Rhapis Gardens | Along with having plants for sale, this site offers a wealth of information. Plants included are Sago Palm, Aralia, Rhapsis, Cissus, etc. |
The Ecke Ranch | The Ecke family has been growing Poinsettias since the early 1900's. A great site for information on Poinsettias |
The Gesneriads Reference Web | A highly informative page on the Gesneriads. Included are African Violets, Gloxinia, Primerose, Lipstick Plants and many more. |
The Home for Ficus | Information on a commonly used indoor plant Benjamin Fig. |
The Poinsettia Pages | Lots of information on the history, lore and culture of the Poinsettia. |
Virtual Cycad Encyclopedia | This site has just about eveything you ever wanted to know about Cyads. |
Zone 10 | A massive amount of information on growing tropicals indoors. |

Invasive Plants | |
Link | Description |
Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin | As the name implies this a site dedicated to invasive plants. |
Invasive plants of Northeasten Wisconsin | This site is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Greenbay. |
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources | This is the Invasive Plant section of the Wiscosin DNR |

Links and Databases | |
Link | Description |
Horti Plex | A massive data base with a fast search engine. |
Plant Ideas | A nicely done, easy to use link page. There are hundreds of links listed. All are put in categories. Nice site!!!! |
The Plants Database | A searchable database of plants. The information is provided to the site by the members. |

Misc | |
Link | Description |
iNET Computers - Web Design & Development | Computer technology in Waukesha Wisconsin that takes you around the world, with service that is OUT OF THIS WORLD! |

Misc. information | |
Link | Description |
Botany .com | A good reference source of information on plants and botany. |
National Arboretum Hardiness Zone Map | This site not only has a hardiness zone map, but provides the browser with lots of additional information. |
National Gardening | Lots of information on many horticultural topics. Nicely done easy to use. |
Rain Gardens | Detailed information on how to create rain gardens. These are bowl-shaped garden, designed to absorb stormwater run-off from impervious surfaces such as roofs and parking lots. |
The Hidden Forest | Information on many primative plants. |
Tom Volk | Great site to learn about fungus!!!!! I love this site and used it extensively in my Biology and Horticulture classes. |
Wayne's Word | Not only does this site have information on plants, there are lots of scientific articles on many subjects. Easy to read, nice to look at!!! |

Native plants | |
Link | Description |
Andy's Northern Ontario Wildflowers | A large site built around the wild plants growing around the city of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Has a large link area. |
Checklist of Vascular Plants of Wisconsin | This site has an extremely large data base of vascular plants found in Wisconsin. Information is botanical, not ornamental. Very informative!!! |
Chiwaukee Prairie | Home site for the Chiwaukee Prairie in Kenosha, Wisconsin. |
Frosch | If you want to know something about the Cypripedium Orchid this is the site to visit. Author is from Germany and a few things are labeled in German. |
Herbarium Cofrin Center for Biodiversity (UW Greenbay Wisconsin) | This link will direct to the home page. From here the database for Trees, Shrubs, Wetlands, Ferns, etc. can be reached. The plants are all native to Wisconsin. A very informative site, I use it a lot. |
Idaho Mountain Wild Flowers | A guide to wildflowers that grow in the mountains of Idaho |
Kansas Wildfowers and Grasses | A easy to use site of native Kansas plants. Lots of information and good images. |
Minnesota Wild Flowers | A very nice site with lots of images and information. Also has excellent ways of searching for plants. Very fast loading. |
Missouri Plants | Lots of nice pictures and solid information. |
Missouri Plants | Nice pictures and descriptions of plants found in Missouri. |
Native Plants of Montara Mountian | Montara Mountain is located on the San Francisco pennisula, 20 miles south of San Francisco. A nicely done site with lots of pictures. |
Ontario Wildflowers | A large site packed full of pictures and data on wild flowers. Has a search engine that can even search by flower parts. |
Prairie Nursery | Prairie Nursery is located in central Wisconsin. Not only is this an outstanding source of Prairie plants but the site is packed full information. Lots of pictures to help the browser choose the proper plants. |
Prairie Wildflowers of Illinois | A great site with pictures and detailed information on Illinois prairie plants. |
Robert Freckman Herbarium (UW Stevens Point) | This is the link to the vascular plant data base. I use this site on a regular bases. |
Robert W. Freckman Herbarium | This is a very large site concentrating on the plants from Wisconsin (Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point). |
Skye Flora | A site dedicated to the plants growing on Skye Island. The second largest island of Scotland. |
Southeastern Flora | Easy to navigate site with beautiful images of plants. |
USDA Forest Service | A massive database of information on plants. Use the powerful search engine to get data on specific plants. Not fancy just plum full of facts. |

Perennials | |
Link | Description |
About Salvia | Part of the "Asbout AGrden Plants" web sites. Has good basic information on many different Salvia. |

Photography-Stock Photo | |
Link | Description |
Can Stock Photos | A royalty free stock photography agency that believes professional stock images should be affordable and accessible to everyone. Over 10,000 top quality images each day from the world's best photographers and artists. |
Fotosearch | The Fotos earch image search engine saves you time by allowing you to search over 5.6 million images from over 100 stock photography, stock illustration, and video stock footage publishers at one website. |
Fotosearch Stock | We bring together thousands of photographers, illustrators, and videographers to provide "The World's Stock Photography at One Web Site."™ |
Gallery of Dalriada50 | A gallery of stock photos containing many pictures of plants. |
Millette Photo Media | A Stock Photo Web site with over 22,000 garden, plant and flower images online. Plus an additional 300,000 images in inventory. All are Royalty Free. If Millette Photo Media does not have the image they will try to find it through their network of photog |
Plant Stock Photos | A stock photo site dedicated to plants and horticulture subjects. |

Plant Biographies | |
Link | Description |
Plant Lives | This site has over 4,000 of plant biographies. Easy to use and very informative. This site has become my main source for information and term derivatives, history of plants, Ethno botany, etc. |

Roses | |
Link | Description |
"Types of Roses: A Visual Compendium" | A nicely done easy to follow visual guide to the different types of Roses. Over 2 dozen different types are covered. |
David Austin Roses | A large site with plenty of pictures, lots of information and roses for sale |
Star Roses | Has nice descriptions and pictures of many different types of ground cover and shrub roses. |

Tools, Equipment, Ornaments, Pots, etc. | |
Link | Description |
Garden Art by Sandpiper | A source for garden decor, entryway accents, house accents, bird stuff, etc. |
Gemplers | An online catalog for many different types of tools for the gardening enthusiast. Nicely done site. |
Kinsman Company | On my site I include many pictures of ornaments, pots, bird stuff, stands, etc. This is one of the ulitmate sources for this type of material. |
Timber Press | Timber Press has one of the larger collections of books for sale on almost an area of Horticulture. |

Translated Articles | |
Link | Description |
PlantsToGro | An article translated ny Martha Ruszkowski. |

Weeds | |
Link | Description |
Purple Loosestrife Info Center | Lots of info on the invasive Loosestrife. |
Weed Collection | A site on weeds created by Virgina Tech. |
Weeds Management | A site on weeds created by Oregon State University. |

Woody Plants | |
Link | Description |
A tree growers Diary | A fun site with great pictures and stories about trees in her life. |
Azaleas and Rhododendrons for Minnesota | A good article on growing Azalea and Rhododendrons in cold climates. Published by the University of Minnesota Extension. |
Classic Viburnums | Classic Viburnums is a family owned nursery located in South Central Nebraska devoted exclusively to growing the genus Viburnum. They grow over 200 different types. Site contains pictures and good hands on info about Viburnums. |
Coenosium Gardens | A source of plants and information on dwarf conifers. |
Conifers | A listing and description of different conifers. |
Gymnosperm Database | A very informative, large data base of Gymnosperms. |
Landscape Plants Images, Identification, and Information | This site is provided by Oregon State. Lots of info and images of woody landscape plants. |
Nature Hills Nursery | Offers a wide selection of different types of plants for sale. Each plant has a brief list of characteristics, pictures and a more in-depth description. Also the Nursery offers gardening accessories for sale. |
The Cofrin Center for Biodiversity (UW Green Bay) | This link will direct to the home page. From here the database for Trees, Shrubs, Wetlands, Ferns, etc. can be reached. The plants are all native to Wisconsin. A very informative site, I use it a lot. |
The Conifer Society | The web site for the Conifer Society. Lots of information on dwarf and other conifers. |
The Gymnosperm database | A very large data base with complete descriptions and pictures. |
Tree Guide | A good source of information on trees. Has a nice searchable database |
Trees and Shrubs of Ontario | Has pictures and keys to help Id plant material. |
Trees of Wisconsin | This site was initially intended as a teaching tool and is offered here for those interested in the woody plants of Wisconsin. |
University of Connecticut Plant Data Base | This site has lots of information on woody landscape plants. Has a large searchable data base. |