Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Prunus maackii

Common Name: Amur Chokecherry, Manchurian Cherry

DescriptionA beautiful medium size tree. One of its best features is the exfoliating cinnamon brown bark
Plant TypeAll Plants, Trees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone3-6
Soil & Siteaverage to well drained
Flowerswhite, 2-3" long occurring in 20-30 flower racemes, around mid May
Fruit1/4" fruit starts red turning to black
Leavesgreen, simple and serrated
StemsOne of the best features of this tree is its exfoliating bark. The color ranges from yellowish, reddish to cinnamon.
Dimensions35-45' tall, rounded
Cultivar OriginKorea, Manchuria, 1878
Author's NotesI have seen this grown both as a single stemmed plant and multi-stemmed. On a few multi-stemmed they had to be wired to hold the plant from splitting at the base. Have used single stemmed in my landscape design.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr)
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