Family: Asphodeloideae

Scientific Name: Aloe juvenna

Common Name: Tiger Tooth Aloe


Tiger Tooth Aloe (Aloe juvenna) is a small Aloe with multiple stems and soft spines.

Plant TypeSucculents, Perennial Tender, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone9-11
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade when grown outdoors, as bright as possible as a house plant
Moistureapproach dryness to dry out between watering
Soil & Sitewell drained
Growing Mediacactus and succulent mix
Temperaturetolerates down to 30 degrees F
Flowersunbranched spike, orange-red
Leavesgreen and spotted, compact triangular leaves, densely packed all along the stems, soft spines, grown in full sun leaves can get reddish
Stemscan reach 1 foot, first erect but later arch over
Dimensions1 by 2-3 feet (HS) when grown outdoors in perfect conditions, much smaller when grown indoors
Maintenancemostly maintenance free
Propagationdivision of pups (offsets)
Native Siteendemic to Kenya
Cultivar OriginThe name Aloe juvenna was published as a valid species name in 1979
Notes & Reference#156-San Marcos Growers website (, #274-Site Authors' observations and growing experiences
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