Description | Monkeys Tail Cactus (Cleistocactus winteri subs. colademononis) is an unusual cactus that starts growing upright and then bends becoming pendent or crawls across the ground. |
Plant Type | Cactus |
Hardiness Zone | 9b-11 |
Sunlight | bright indirect light can take full direct sun or light shade, intense afternoon sun sunburns the stems. |
Moisture | average to dry |
Soil & Site | well-drained |
Flowers | red |
Leaves | long white and soft, hairlike spines, occur as the plant matures |
Stems | cylindrical starts upright then pendent |
Propagation | seeds, cuttings of the stem |
Native Site | endemic to Bolivia |
Misc Facts | Can be epilithic meaning growing among rocks AKA: Cleistocactus |