Description | Angelonia ABC's (Angelonia angustifolia) An easy to grow and florific group of plants. A tender perennial grown as an annual. Also called Summer Snap Dragon. |
Pronunciation | (an-ge-low-nee-a)(an-gus-tee-FOH-lee-uh) |
Plant Type | Perennial Tender, Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | (9)10-11 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny |
Moisture | tolerates a wide range from moist to slightly dry, average has worked for me |
Soil & Site | average, well-drained |
Growing Media | average patio |
Temperature | heat tolerant, cold tolerant to the low 40's F |
Flowers | 3/4” across, two-lipped snapdragon-like, borne on compact terminal racemes |
Leaves | green, oblong to lanceolate, green leaves (to 3” long) with toothed margins, slightly aromatic |
Dimensions | upright, compact plant habit up to 30 by 24 inches depending on the variety |
Maintenance | The plants will continue to bloom throughout the entire summer with little or no dead heading. |
Propagation | terminal tip cuttings, seed |
Native Site | Native to Mexico and the West Indies |
Misc Facts | AKA: Summer Snapdragons |
Author's Notes | When I first used this plant 20 years ago I had trouble growing it. Now I have used this plant in containers around my gardens and was amazed at the number of flowers produced with little or no extra work. It is now a main stay in my containers. |