Description | White Sage (Salvia apiana) Has white leaves that contains aromatic oils and resins, popular for use as incense. Tolerates dry conditions and can be grown as an xeric plant. |
Plant Type | Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | (8)9 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | low, tolerates dry once established, doesn't like winter wettness |
Soil & Site | well drained, poor |
Temperature | tolerates 20-25 degrees F |
Flowers | on tall scapes, tiny pale lavender / white flowers, bees are attract to the flowers, hence the name Bee Sage |
Leaves | soft, gray white, contains aromatic oils and resins, popular for use as incense. |
Stems | herbaceous from a woody base, hollow, pinkish |
Dimensions | 3-4 feet in native sites by up to 8 foot spread |
Propagation | seeds |
Native Site | A native evergreen salvia to southern California commonly found in coastal sage scrub and chaparral. |
Misc Facts | The genus "apiana" refers to the bees liking this plant.. AKA: California White Sage, Sacred Sage |
Notes & Reference | #87-The New Book of Salvias (Betsy Clebsch), #147-The Gardeners Guide to growing Salvias (John Sutton), #156-San Marcos Growers web site ( |