Description | Black Velvet Petunia (Petunia) is about as black as a flower can get. It is a smaller plant with velvety very dark purple flowers. Also know as Black Cat Petunia. |
Plant Type | Annuals, Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | 10-11 |
Sunlight | does best in full to at least 1/2 day sum |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Growing Media | average patio |
Temperature | Acclimated plants are very tolerant of cooler to cold temperatures. In zone #5 they do best in the early spring to early summer (May-June), have a tendency to slow down in the hot drier months and than come on strong in the cool fall (mid-September-October). With a little protection I have had Petunia's in bloom on Turkey Day. Hardened Petunias can be plant in early May (zone #5 |
Flowers | velvety texture , is actually a dark purple and not black |
Leaves | alternate and covered with a viscid pubescence, making them sticky when pinched |
Roots | fibrous |
Dimensions | 8-12 inches making them on the small side for Petunias |
Maintenance | Container plants need to be pruned to keep the plants compact. Deadheading will promote longer bloom time in both bedded and container grown plants. Plants in the garden may need cutting back in the hotter times of the year. Fertilize on a regular basis. Petunias will reseed but the prodigy will not be true to type. I have found seedlings in the expansion cracks of my patio. |
Propagation | seeds, cuttings |
Cultivar Origin | created by Jianping Ren W. Atlee Burpee & Co. |