Description | Jewel Weed (Impatiens capensis) A large growing native wildflower found in moist shaded areas. Has exploding seed capsule the at help propel the seeds away from the mother plant. |
Plant Type | Wild Flowers |
Hardiness Zone | Cold hardy to at least #4 |
Sunlight | shaded areas |
Moisture | moist to wet |
Soil & Site | moist to wet |
Flowers | pendent orange spotted flowers, tube-like with a large open mouth, good nectar source for insects |
Fruit | thin banana-shaped seeds pods, explode when ripe, propelling seeds in all directions |
Leaves | simple leaves, sharp toothed, alternate, green |
Stems | succulent |
Roots | fibrous |
Dimensions | 3-5 feet in spread, over 3 feet in height |
Propagation | seeds |
Misc Facts | The juice has soothing and medicinal properties. Seems to work like Aloe vera. Young stems can be eaten. Native |
Author's Notes | When out in the field with my classes I would tell them to touch one of the ripe seeds pods. They would jump back when the pod expelled it's seeds. A interesting way many plants get the seeds away from the parent. |
Notes & Reference | #41-Wildflowers of Wisconsin (Stan Teikiela) , #49-The History and Folklore of North American Wildflowers (Timothy Coffey) |