A tall, medium to wide spreading native perennial. Produces masses of yellow flowers over an extended period of time.
Plant Type
All Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone
cold hardy to at least #5
full sun
Prefers moist tolerates average.
Soil & Site
Prefers moist tolerates average, will not tolerate long periods of draught
yellow, daisy-like flowers have a reddish-brown central disk, mid to the end of July.
achene (a dry fruit where the seed separates from the seed coat)
lower to middle leaves have 3-5 deep cut lobes
When cut the stems have a mild anise or subtle vanilla fragrance scent depending on the smeller. I found this to be especially true when I am cutting back the plants in the late fall.
3-4 feet tall, +3 feet spread, space 24-30"
Need loppers to cut back the thick, dead stalks in the fall. A sweet fragrance will be emitted from the cut stems. Will self-seed all over the garden.
I have collected seed from this plant and it is very easy to germinate. Also easy by division.
Native Site
Native North American prairies, Wisconsin
Author's Notes
R. subtomentosa may open up in the center. To hide or prevent this plant a few closer together. I like to plant these behind Rudbeckia Goldstrum. They start to bloom after Goldstrum and the yellow color works with Goldstrum's golden-yellow. I have mass planted this Rudbeckia and during fall clean up you can really smell the fragrance of the plant.
Notes & Reference
#35-Perennial Garden Plants (Graham Stuart Thomas)