Description | Dusty Chief Phormium is a Yucca-like plant with burgundy-colored foliage. |
Plant Type | Perennial Tender, Tender perennials often grown as annuals |
Hardiness Zone | 7-9 |
Sunlight | full, shaded |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Temperature | hardy to 15-20 degrees F, lower temperatures will cause damage to the foliage |
Leaves | yucca-like burgundy to dusty burgundy leaves |
Dimensions | 3-4 by 3-4 feet |
Maintenance | cut off older base leaves as they lose color and become weathered, can be cut back |
Propagation | cuttings |
Cultivar Origin | Phormium tenax was first discovered by Captain Cook on an expedition to the South Pacific in 1773. It was collected by Johann & son George Forster and described in 1776. |
Misc Facts | Phormium means "basket or wickerwork" and tenax means holding fast referring to the plants strong fibers. |
Notes & Reference | #156-San Marcos Growers web site |