Family: Apiaceae

Scientific Name: Myrrhis odoratum

Common Name: Sweet Cicely, Myrrh

DescriptionA mounding perennials with fern-like foliage. Seeds, leaves and roots all have culinary value.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3(4)-7
Sunlightpart sun
Moistureaverage to moist
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Flowerswhite, star shaped, borne on compound umbels, seeds ripen from green to brown
Leavesferny green leaves, yellow fall color, aniseed-like odor
Rootsthick brown tap root
Dimensionsup to 2-3 feet, mounding form
Maintenancedead head to prevent reseeding
Propagationseeds, may need cold stratification, division
Native SiteNative to Europe.
Misc FactsMyrrhis a Greek name for a plant and odoratusm from Latin word odor meaning scent or odor.
Notes & Reference#44-The Complete Book of Herbs (Lesley Bremness), #129-Taylors Guide to Herbs, Plant Lives web site (Sue Eland)
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