Description | Sweet Autumn Clematis (Clematis terniflora) is a vigorous vine that becomes covered with small white flowers in late summer and fall. This plant is reported to be invasive, so check before planting. |
Pronunciation | (KLEM-uh-tiss) |
Plant Type | Vines |
Hardiness Zone | 5-9 |
Sunlight | full, part sun |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Flowers | 1/2-1 inch star-like white flower, four narrow tepals, greenish cream filaments, yellow anthers, scented, blooms late summer early fall, great for late season color |
Leaves | Pinnate with 3-5 leaflets with a cordate base. Maybe toothed on young plants but are entire when mature. |
Stems | A vigorous herbaceous semi-woody deciduous climber. |
Dimensions | 15-30 feet or more |
Maintenance | When pruning group 3 or C plants, be firm and cut back to a height of about 8"-12", including two strong sets of buds. This encourages vigorous new shoots to emerge from the base and promote a complete, multi-stemmed plant with plenty of flowers. You'll need to spread the shoots out to maximize the display as they grow. Sometimes, the plants will naturally train themselves, but most often, they will need some guidance. For more information, you can visit |
Propagation | seeds |
Native Site | Native to China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. |
Author's Notes | Virgin's Bower (Clematis virginiana) is a native, noninvasive plant frequently mistaken for the invasive Sweet Autumn Clematis (Clematis terniflora). Although they are similar, they can be distinguished by examining the leaves. Virgin's Bower has serrated leaves, while Sweet Autumn Clematis has smooth, entire leaves. Clematis virginiana (Virgin's-bower): I have seen old plants that have taken over and collapsed supporting structures. |
Notes & Reference | #84-An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Clematis (Mary Toomey, Everett Leeds), |