Family: Lamiaceae
Common Name: Pesto Perpetuo Basil
Description | A tall variegated form of Greek columnar basil with a strong flavor. |
Plant Type | All Plants, Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | 9-11 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | rich, well drained |
Flowers | sterile, doesn't produce flowers |
Leaves | light green, edged with white |
Dimensions | up to 4 feet |
Propagation | PPAF |
Cultivar Origin | Plant patent issued to Sunny Border Nurseries, Inc. in Kensington, CT. USA |
Misc Facts | There is a trade off between culinary production and flower production. More leaves will be produced for harvest if the flowers are removed. |
Author's Notes | Even if you don't use this plant as a herb, it has ornamental qualities and can be used in gardens and container's. |
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