A variety of Asparagus fern Sprengeri with very lacey foliage.
Plant Type
All Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zone
9-10, sunset 12-24
bright to moderate
Prefers to be kept evenly moist. Occasionally letting the plant get dry won't kill it. Letting it get bone dry will cause a massive leaf drop. Over watering will also cause yellowing and leaf drop.
Growing Media
average house
average house
The flowers are: small, white, waxy, fragrant and have bright yellow/orange anthers. T
Fruit starts green and ripens to red. The black seeds are small to medium in size.
This plant is more upright and shrubby in appearance than "Sprengeri". The branched are lacey and arranged in horizontal planes. The leaves are really not leaves but small-flattened stems called cladodes. Develops thorns with age.
The plant rapidly produces strong root masses. Many of the roots will have bulbous fleshy masses. These can act as water storage devices.
As the plants gets older the roots will fill up most any size pot and the plant will push itself out of the pot. Not as fast growing as "Sprengeri".
The most common way is to grow from seed. The seeds are hard and black I have germinated the seeds by directly seeding them and also soaking them over night. Both methods seem to work equally well. Older plants can be divided.
Misc Facts
(syn. Asparagus plumosus)
Author's Notes
This Asparagus fern has lacey foliage and doesn't seem to get as big as the others.