Family: Lamiaceae

Common Name: Plectranthus Mona Lavender


Mona Lavender Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus) A phenomenal plant with lavender flowers and dark green leaves with purple undersides. Grown outdoors or indoors as a house plant.

Plant TypeIndoor Foliage, Perennial Tender, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone10
Sunlightfull to part sun, the more sun the darker the foliage
Soil & Siteaverage
Temperaturefrost tender
Flowerslavender flowers borne on spikes dashed with purple markings, seems to be a heavy bloomer during a period of time than few flowers
Leavesdark green, glossy leaves with intensely purple undersides
Dimensionsa herbaceous perennial in warm frost free climates
Maintenancedead heading
Propagationeasy from cuttings
Native SitePlectranthus 'Mona Lavender' was bred by Roger Jacques, in the late 1990s at Kirstenbosch, South Africa.
Author's NotesI have grown this plant a few years and sometimes it produces a plethora of blooms other years much less. One year my plants had few if any.??????
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #156-San Marcos Growers web site (
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