Family: Crassulaceae

Scientific Name: Hylotelephium x telephium Carl

Common Name: Sedum Carl, Carl Sedum

DescriptionAnother improved version of the ubiquitous Sedum Autumn Joy.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-9
Sunlighttolerates some shade but best in full sun
Moistureaverage to dry
Soil & Siteaverage, dry, well drained
Flowersreddish pink flowers
Leavesgray green foliage
Dimensions14-16 by 16 inches (HS), space 16-18 inches
MaintenanceIf your plants flop or opens up because of the growing conditions I have found that cutting the plants back 50% by the end of May will result in a more compact plant. Cutting down the stiff dead stalks in the late fall is a matter of choice. Some people like the dead brown plant for winter interest.
PropagationVery easy from cuttings or divided in the spring. When dividing the plant be careful, the new stems are easily damaged.
Cultivar OriginFound as a seedling of Hylotelephium Meteor at Monksilver Nursery UK.
Author's NotesI have this plant growing in my garden and appreciate the compact smaller growth habit. During the spring of 2017 I lifted and divided the plants. Neighboring trees were creating to much shade and the plant was flopping. Will plant in a full, hot sun site.
Notes & Reference#209-The Plant Lovers Guide to Sedums (Brent Horvath)
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