well drained will not tolerate soggy soils, neutral to basic ph, may need to use lime as a soil amendment
double pink, 1/4 inch, produced in masses, good as a cut or dried flower, produces a cloud-like wispy mass of flowers
narrow, gray green, opposite
deep tap root which resents being moved
18 inches
A tall variety that will tend to flop. Because of the transparent nature it is hard to hide support structures. Plant among shrubs and other perennials to support the plant. Once established it dislikes being moved
cuttings, won't come true from seed
Misc Facts
Gypsophila is derived from the Greek words gypsos for gypsum and philos for friendship. Some species of Gypsophila need to be grown in basic soil. Soils high in gypsum are basic.
Notes & Reference
#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills), #79-Perennials For Every Purpose (Larry Hodgson)