Family: Brassicaceae

Scientific Name: Capsella bursa pastoris

Common Name: Shepard's Purse, Pepper Plant, Pickpurse, Caseweed

DescriptionA common weed of the Mustard family.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Weeds
Moisturemoist to dry
Soil & Sitemoist to dry, rich disturbed soils, very adaptable.
Flowerssmall, white, 4 petals that from a cross, 6 stamens flowers continue to open on the top of the raceme and the siliques will continue to form below, a hardy annual (may grow as a winter annual
Fruitseedpod is a lyre-shaped silique, producing over 2,000 or more seeds per season that requires light to germinate, seeds are sticky
Leavesfirst leaves to appear form a basal rosette of toothed leaves, stem leaves are arrow shaped and clasp the stem
Stemsslender branches stem grows from the leaf rosette
Rootsslender flexible taproot
Propagationreproduces by seeds
Native SiteIs native to Europe and found all over the USA
Misc FactsThe young basal leaves are edible as a salad green. Plant has many medicinal uses. The literal translation of bursa pastoris is Shepard's purse.
Notes & Reference#77-The Field Guide to Weeds (Crockett), #152B-The Flora of Wisconsin (
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