Family: Fabaceae

Scientific Name: Robinia pseudoacacia Frisia

Common Name: Frisia Back Locust, Frisia Common Locust


Frisia Back Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) A yellow foliage form of the Common Black Locust

Plant TypeTrees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone5
Moisturevery adaptable
Soil & Sitevery adaptable
Flowerswhite, fragrant, 5 lobed, in numerous drooping racemes , close-up at night
Fruitbrown oblong legume, red-brown seeds maturing in September through October
Leavesyellow, alternate, pinnately compound with 7-19 leaflets reaching 8-14" in length
Stemstwigs are zigzagged, paired spines form at each leaf
DimensionsReaches up to 50-80 feet tall. May form a single stem or develop into thickets by root suckering.
Cultivar OriginDiscover in 1935 by W, Jansen in a nursery in Holland. Appeared in North America commerce in 1958.
Misc FactsThe genus name Robinia is in honor French Herbalists, Jean and Vespasian Robin. They grew Locust in Europe in 1610. Pseudoacacia refers to resemblance to Acacia (psuedo is a prefix for false). The wood from Locust has been used to build ships, log houses, make wooden nails and made into strong durable lumber.
Notes & Reference#39-The Natural History of Trees (Donald Cultrose Pattie), #93-North American Landscape Trees (Arthur Lee Jacobson)
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