Family: Aquifoliaceae

Scientific Name: Ilex verticillata

Common Name: Winterberry Holly


Winterberry (Ilex verticillata) is a medium to large shrub that tolerates wet areas. Produces ornamental red fruit on the female plant.

Plant TypeShrubs Deciduous, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone3-9
Sunlightfull to partial shade
Moistureaverage to wet
Soil & Sitenative to swampy soils, high ph will cause chlorosis, preferred ph range is 4.5-6.5.
Flowersmale and female flowers on separate plants, both flowers have little ornamental value
Fruitred berry-like drupe produced on the female plant.
Leavesalternate simple, green during the summer, yellow fall color that is variable from year to year
Stemstwigs are slender, with gray to gray-brown color
Dimensions5 -15 feet tall, depending on growing site
Maintenanceplant 1 male to 3-4 female plants for good fruit set
Propagationseeds which need cold stratification, cuttings
Native SiteEastern United States
Misc FactsThe berries are relished by many animals but are poisonous to humans.
Author's NotesI have had 3 female and one male Winterberry in one of my gardens for years. This area is moist and 3/4 day sun. If we have a normal summer with adequate moisture the shrubs will be covered with red berries in the fall, until the birds find them. They are about 4 by 4 feet and never have been pruned. I provide them with acidic fertilizer in the spring and fall.
Notes & Reference#1-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr)
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