Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Origanum rotundifolium Kent Beauty

Common Name: Origanum Kent Beauty

DescriptionAn ornamental oregano with fat pale green to maroon hop-like flowers. Good for patio pots, window boxes, etc.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone6-9
Sunlightneeds full sun
Moistureaverage to dry, draught tolerant
Soil & SiteMust have well drained soils. One source said this plant likes scree-like conditions.
Growing Mediawell drained
FlowersThe color starts as mauve and ages to bright pink and purple. The pink petaled flowers are found inside of light purple bracts. The bracts dry to a color-fast paper-like structure on the plant. Flowers are reminiscent of hop flowers. an be used in dry arrangements and potpourri.
LeavesA semi-trailing, slightly mounding sub-shrub. The leaves are gray-green with silver veins.
DimensionsLess than a foot in height and can trail to almost 2 feet.
MaintenancePruning to maintain shape.
Cultivar OriginA nursery in Kent, England.
Author's NotesProperly grown this is a awesome looking plant.
Notes & Reference#161-Paghat's Gardens (
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