Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Sonchus asper

Common Name: Spiny-Leaved Sow Thistle

DescriptionA yellow flowering weed, common in southeastern Wisconsin.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Weeds
Soil & Siteaverage, waste lands, fields
Flowerssmall pale yellow, dandelion type flowers, throughout the summer
FruitAchene’s (seeds) form a parachute of fine hair or down (pappus) that is caught by the wind to disseminate the seeds.
Leavesspiny, alternate, heart shaped, clasping the stem, get progressively smaller and have less spines up the stem, white milky sap
Stemshas glanular hairs
Rootsshort tap root
Dimensions1'-5' tall
Propagationit reproduces by seeds
Native SiteWestern Asia, northern Africa and Europe, found throughout most of USA
Misc FactsHas been used as food for rabbits giving it many come names such as Hare's Thistle, Hare's Lettuce. Also eaten by pigs, goats and sheep. Horses will not touch it?? Asper means rough, referring to the spiny leaves.
Notes & Reference#07- Newcomb's Wildflower Guide (Newcomb) ,#14-Hedge maids and Fairy Candles (Jack Sanders) , #19-Common Weeds ( USDA Agricultural Research Service), #157-The Sunflower Family in the Upper Midwest (Thomas Antonio, Susanne Masi)
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