Family: Oleaceae

Scientific Name: Syringa pubescens subsp. patula Miss Kim

Common Name: Miss Kim Lilac

DescriptionMiss Kim produces an abundance of lilac colored, fragrant flowers. It grows best in full sun and is a medium height by medium spreading plant. Listed as a dwarf but will reach at least 5-6 feet in height and spread.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone3-7
Soil & Siteaverage
FlowersThe flower buds start pink, changing to a lighter lilac color. Starts blooming early June.
LeavesSimple dark green leaves and a dark purple fall color.
DimensionsOften listed as 3' by 3' but a plant in my yard is 5-6 feet in height by equal spread. Allow a spacing of at least 4-5 feet on center.
MaintenanceAny pruning should be done after it blooms. The flowers are formed on the previous year’s growth. Avoid just shearing Miss Kim into oddly shaped forms. Try to maintain the shrubs natural form.
Propagationdifficult from softwood cuttings
Native SiteSpecies plant native to Northern China and Korea. First cultivated 1902.
Cultivar OriginReleased in 1954 by the New Hampshire Ag. Ed. Station, University of New Hampshire. Grown from seeds collected by Elwyn Meader from a small stand of plants growing in the Pouk Han Mountains of South Korea.
Misc FactsSyringa is Greek meaning "pipe", in reference to the hollow stems.
Author's NotesOver the years I have been having trouble with this plant. They seem to get to a certain age and than start to decline.
Notes & Reference#1-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #104-Lilacs “A Gardeners Encyclopedia”(Fiala)
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