Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow

Common Name: Burgundy Glow Ajuga

DescriptionA low growing ground cover plant for the shaded areas. It has multicolored foliage along with spikes of violet-blue flowers. Prefers semi-shade, moist soil.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightfull to shade, deeper color in brighter light, foliage becomes crispy in hot dry sites, this cultivar probably needs a bit more shade
Moistureaverage to moist, not dry
Soil & Sitenormal to moist
Flowersviolet-blue spikes spikes, mid to end of May
Leaveswhite, red, pink, and bronze , best coloration in the spring and fall
Stemsstolons, square stems
DimensionsReaches 6" high. Plant 1-4 plant per square foot, depending on the size of the pots. This variety is not as aggressive as some of the other Ajuga.
MaintenanceThis plant can suffer from winter damage from the drying winds. If it is in an area that will not get snow cover, a light mulch will help. Some dead heading may be required.
Propagationvery easy from division
Native SiteEurope
Misc FactsThis plant is also called Bugle Weed.
Author's NotesMany Ajuga are rapid spreaders to the point of being a weed. This variety is not. I like to use this as a specimen or accent plant rather than a ground cover for large areas.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #68-Groundcovers for the Midwest (Voight, Hamilton, Giles)
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