Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Echinacea purpurea

Common Name: Purple Coneflower


Purple Cone Flower (Echinacea purpurea) is an extremely showy, easy-to-grow native prairie flower. A great butterfly attractor. Medium in height and spread.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightfull sun, light shade
Moistureaverage, native to dry prairies
Soil & Siteaverage to dry
Temperaturetough, easily handles the summer heat
Flowerslarge 3-4", reddish purple, have a bristly brown-orange central disk, petals are more ridged than some of the other Echinacea. Bloom period starts in mid-July and lasts for 6 weeks.
Leavesgreen egg-shaped leaves, coarsely serrated, basal leaves are larger
Stemshave short bristly hairs
Dimensions3-4 feet tall, space 18-24"
MaintenanceCan be an aggressive reseeder.
PropagationMoist stratification improves germination. Also division in the spring. Seeds should be collected in October.
Native SiteNative to North American Prairies.
Misc FactsMany modern Purple Coneflower cultivars can trace their heritage back to this plant.
Author's NotesThere seems to be a lot of yellow flowers blooming at the same time as this plant. The purple color helps it stand out in native plantings. Works good as a long lasting cut flower. This has been a long-lived plant in many of my gardens.
Notes & Reference#09-The Prairie Garden (J. Robert Smith with Beatrice Smith), Prairie Nursery Catalog
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