Family: Cactaceae

Scientific Name: Mammillaria elongota

Common Name: Golden Star Cactus

DescriptionOne of the easier Cactus to grow. Also one of the more common Cactus sold. The spines are soft and this plant is almost pettable.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Cactus
Sunlightfull sun
Moisturedry out between watering
Growing Mediawell drained
Flowerssmall white. tucked close to the plant
Fruitfleshy red seed pods, loaded with small black seeds
Stemssmall clustering cylinders, yellow interlacing radial spines, forms a small clump.
Dimensionssmall plant
Propagationseeds, easy by division
Native SiteCentral Mexico
Author's NotesThis is a very easy Cactus to grow. The spines are not as wicked as many other cactus.
Notes & Reference#02-Exotic Plant Manual (Alfred Byrd Graf)
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