Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Polygonatum odoratum Variegatum

Common Name: Variegated Solomon's Seal, Variegated Japanese Solomon's Seal

DescriptionA medium height plant for the shaded areas of the garden. The rhizomes spread forming patches. Great to add a vertical accent to an area. Very hardy to zone #5.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone5-9
Sunlightpartial sun to shaded
Moisturenormal to moist
Soil & Siteprefers woodsy, tolerates normal
Flowerspendulous white, 6 petals, bell shaped, hang from short stalks under the arched stem, clusters of 2 or more
Leavesalternate leaves, with parallel veins, green during the growing season light brown to golden brown fall
Stemsarching unbranched, can spread aggressively by rhizomes
Dimensions2-3 feet tall, spreading patch, takes a few season to get established
PropagationEasy to produce from division of the rhizomes. it takes a few years to get established, but than it will spread at a moderate rate. Reported to be slow from seeds. Can take up to two years to germinate and 5-7 years to flower.
Native SiteNative to Japan
Misc FactsAs the previous years growth dies down to the rhizome it leaves a scar. Legend has it that this scar resembles a Hebrew alphabet character that was used as a seal by King Solomon. Polygonatum is Greek for "many kneed", referring to the jointed nature of the stem. Biflorum refers to the two flowered growth habit of the plant. (syn. Polygonatum falcatum)
Author's NotesThe vertical architecture and cream edge foliage of this plant makes it a must for any shade garden. This is one of my all time favorites.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage)
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