Family: Geraniaceae

Scientific Name: Pelargonium hortorum Mrs. Cox

Common Name: Geranium Mrs Cox


Geranium Mrs Cox (pelargonium hortum) A dwarf fancy leaf, heirloom Geranium with multicolored leaves and salmon colored flowers

Plant TypeAnnuals, Perennial Tender, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone10-11
Sunlightfull, tolerates some shade
Moistureaverage, can tolerate some dryness
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerssalmon colored
Leavesmulticolored having yellow, green, reds, oranges and maroons all on the same leaf, antemarginal
Dimensions12 inches
Maintenancedead heading, cutting back
Propagationharder to get to root than many of the other Geraniums
Cultivar OriginOriginating in 1879 and heirloom Geranium
Author's NotesI have grown this plant a few times. Grew it more for the multicolored leaves as opposed to the flowers.
Notes & Reference#32-The Joy of Geraniums (Helen Van Pelt Wilson)
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