Family: Hydrangeaceae

Scientific Name: Hydrangea macrophylla Pia

Common Name: Elf Pink Hydrangea, Piamina Comet

DescriptionA dwarf mophead Hydrangea with pink flowers that can be blue in acidic soil.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone5-9
Sunlightsemi shade
Moistureaverage, better if moist
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Flowersa small mophead flower, pink to red with white eye, blue to blue violet with acidic soil
Leavesdark green
Dimensions18-24 inch tall by 24 inch spread, mounding, probably larger in warmer climates
Maintenancefertilize, keep moist, I have read reports that it will revert back to a taller plant, tall shoots should be removed
Author's NotesI used 6 of these in a front entry garden and for he first year they were fantastic. I dead headed and they continued to bloom the entire summer. I just hope that they following year (summer 2012) will be as good as he first. In 2012 we had a late frost and killed the plants back. Getting few blooms this season. In 2013 they were fantastic lots of blooms. The owner was very happy. In 2015 still going strong, but maybe a few less flowers.
Notes & Reference#135-Hydranges "A Gardner's Guide"(Tonis Lawson Hall, Brian Rothera), #85-Hydrangeas for American Gardens (Michael Dirr)
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