Family: Crassulaceae

Scientific Name: Crassula socialis

Common Name: Crassula socialis

DescriptionAn interesting mat forming succulent with succulent leaves arranged in a four rank. (This plant was labeled as C. socialis. I think it should be Crassula perforata ???)
Plant TypeAll Plants, Succulents
Hardiness Zone10-11
Moistureaverage, tolerates dry
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Growing Mediaaverage, well drained
Flowerssmall, white, reddish centers, borne on short stalks above the foliage
Leavesoval, round-bottomed, bright green leaves, arranged in four ranks, in full sun the leaves will have a red tinge, evergreen
Dimensionsmat forming in full hot sun, tends to stretch in less light
Misc FactsSouth Africa
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