Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Thymus pseudolanuginosus

Common Name: Woolly Thyme


Wooly Thyme (Thymus pseudolanuginosus) is a ground cover Thyme that works well in the nooks and carnies of a garden or cascading over rocks and walls.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone(5)6-9
Sunlightfull to part sun
Moistureaverage, drought resistance once established
Soil & Siteneeds well-drained soils
Flowerstiny purple flowers an inch or two above the foliage
Leavestiny woolly leaves
Stemswooly stems
Dimensions2 inches tall, spreading
Maintenancecan be cut back to maintain a fuller plant, root rot in poorly drained soils
Propagationseeds, division
Misc FactsThymus is derived from either a Greek verb meaning ‘to fumigate’ or a noun (courage) and, as thymon, is a classical Greek name used by the Greek philosopher, Theophrastus (c.327-c.287 BC), for thyme or another similar plant. (#145) Has a vast array of medicinal, aromatic, household, decorative and culinary uses(syn. Thymus lanuginosus)
Author's NotesAn established planting of Woolly Thyme creates a flat carpet of woolly leaves.
Notes & Reference#40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills), #145-Plant Lives (Sue Eland)
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