Family: Plantaginaceae

Common Name: Penstemon Mesa

DescriptionAn easy to grow Penstemon with spikes of lavender blue flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightfull, part sun/part shade
Moistureaverage, tolerates draught, some additional moisture at flowering time will extend bloom period
Soil & Siteaverage, must be well drained especially for the winter
Flowerslavender blue, purple flower spikes, blooms 1st week in June to first week in July (Boerner Botanical Gardens bloom data base), attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
Leavesdark green
Dimensions16 inches
Maintenancedead head spent flowers to basal foliage
Propagationseeds may need 8 weeks of cold stratification to improve germination
Native SiteNorth American native
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