Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Senecio vulgaris

Common Name: Common Groundsel


Common Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) An alien plant that has become an aggressive weed in the garden.

Plant TypeWeeds, Site author's observations
Sunlightfull to shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerscylindrical flower-heads, 1/4 inch long and 1/8 inch across, in close terminal clusters or corymbs, the florets yellow, will flower late into the fall, never completely open
Fruitdowny heads of seeds (achene), each seed being crowned by little tufts of hair, each plant capable of producing 1,700 seeds
Leavesalternate, margins vary considerably from irregular coarse teeth to pinnately divided with irregular jagged lobes
Stemshollow stems
Rootsshort tap root
DimensionsA short plant that I have not seen it over a foot, reported to get 16".
Maintenancepull, pull, pull, preemergent herbicide
Native Siteit is an alien to the USA
Misc Factsalien, AKA: Ragwort, Grimsel, Grinsel, Grundsel, Simson, Birdseed
Author's NotesAs the summer progresses new seedlings will be constantly germinating in the garden producing almost a continual bloom and more seeds. To break the cycle the new plants must be constantly pulled. They are shallow rooted and are easy to pull. It once was a major problem in my gardens. After a few seasons of continually pulling they are now manageable.
Notes & Reference#08- Peterson's Guide to Wild Flowers (Peterson McKenny), #81-Weeds of Northern US and Canada (Royer and Dickinson)
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