Family: Polemoniaceae

Scientific Name: Phlox paniculata Tracys Treasure

Common Name: Garden Phlox Tracy's Treasure

DescriptionA tall Garden Phlox with soft pink flowers. Has a very long blooming season.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightfull to some shade, especially in the hot afternoon sun, some shade will help the deep colors last longer
Moistureaverage, doesn't like dry, water early in the day to help prevent mildew
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerssoft pink, fragrant
Dimensions3-4 feet tall,, spread 2 plus feet
Maintenancegrow plants where there is good air circulation to help avoid an onset of mildew, water early to allow the foliage to dry, water at the base when possible, dead head to promote more flowers and to prevent volunteer seedlings, the seedling will not be true to the cultivar type and usually are a magenta color, if needed spray with a fungicide
Propagationstem cuttings, root cuttings, easy by division in the spring
Misc FactsNamed after Tracy DiSabato-Aust, author of "The Well-Tended Perennial Garden". Reported to have a problem with powdery mildew.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills), #238-Mt Cuba Center (
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