Family: Hydrangeaceae

Scientific Name: Hydrangea macrophylla Lemon Daddy

Common Name: Hydrangea Lemon Daddy

DescriptionA vigorous lemon-yellow foliage Hydrangea.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone6-9
Sunlightpartial shade
Moistureaverage to moist
Soil & Siteaverage
Leaveslemon yellow foliage
Dimensions4 by 4 feet
Cultivar OriginSeedling of Hydrangea 'Big Daddy' was selected by Georgia's Ozzie Johnson.
Author's NotesI grew this plant for three years. First year small but nice. Second bigger and nice yellow foliage. Third year it bit the dust... Was listed as a zone #5, a big woops because now it is listed as zone #6.
Notes & Reference#85-Hydrangeas for American Gardens (Michael Dirr)
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