Family: Boraginaceae

Scientific Name: Mertensia virginica

Common Name: Virginia Blue Bells, Cowslip, Bluebells, Roanoke Bells

DescriptionA beautiful woodland blue flowering ephemeral plant. Needs a shaded moist sites.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone3-9
Moisturemoist to wet, never dry
Soil & Sitecool, organic, moist
Flowersblue to pink, 5 parted, corolla forms a trumpet, a small nodding cluster on a stalk (cyme), May to June
Leavesbasil leaves elliptic and long stalked, upper leaves nearly sessile, ephemeral plants that go dormant in the summer
Dimensionsforms clumps, 12-24 inches tall
MaintenanceShould be planted with something to fill in the space after it dies back.
Propagationdivision, seeds
Native SiteNative to North America.
Misc FactsNamed for Franz Carl Mertens a 19th century botanist at Bremen.
Author's NotesThis as one of my favorite wildflowers. I have always seen it growing in moist to wet sites, with spring sun and summer shade. Shade becomes denser as the trees leaf out
Notes & Reference#13-Growing Woodland Plants (Birdseye) #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills), #65-North Woods Wildflowers (Ladd, #100-Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest (Black and Judziewicz))
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