Family: Hemionitidaceae

Scientific Name: Hemionitis arifolia

Common Name: Donkeys Ears Fern, Valentine Fern, Heart Fern

DescriptionA smaller fern fitting easily into a six inch pot. Requires a high humidity to properly grow.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Ferns - Tropical
Hardiness Zone10
Sunlightpartial sun
Moistureevenly moist, prefers higher humidity
Soil & Sitehumus
Growing Mediahumusy
Temperatureminimum temperature should be above 50 degrees
Flowersfertile sori are produced on the underside of a fertile leaf
Leavessterile leathery heart-shaped leaves found at the base, taller fertile fronds found on wiry petioles
Propagationspores, division
Native SiteIndonesia, Burma, Sri Lanka
Notes & Reference#23-Indoor Ferns (Boy Altman)
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