Family: Crassulaceae

Scientific Name: Crassula ovata

Common Name: Jade


The Jade Plant (Crassula ovata) is an easy to grow, popular succulent plant. Needs full sun and grow on the drier side for best results.

Plant TypeSucculents, Perennial Tender, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone10-11
SunlightThese plants will tolerate almost any light condition, but do best in full sun. The less light the more etiolated the stems. Also the leaves will become greener; losing the reddish edge that is an indicator of proper light.
Moisturedry out between waterings
Growing Mediaaverage house, well drained
TemperatureWill tolerate a wide range of temperatures. Average house is the norm.
FlowersThe flowers are white to pinkish, small and produced in clusters. Can be a difficult plant to get to bloom in the indoor culture. One way that did work for me was to grow the plant outdoors during the summer. The plant was out as long as possible. Even covering the plant with a tarp if a light frost was eminent. Bring the plant indoors to a bright cool window and it should bloom. If you buy a small plant that is blooming, the branch was rooted from a stock plant that already has met the requirements for bud formation.
LeavesThe leaves are very fleshy, dark green and have a silvery cuticle that can give the leaves a sheen. A red edge indicates strong light.
StemsThe stems will become stout and tree like, forming corky bark.
DimensionsCan reach up to 3 meters (over 9 feet) in the proper growing conditions. Can be kept forever in any size pot by pruning.
MaintenanceThis is one plant that I have rejuvenated for many people over the years. People tend to grow Jades in too dim of light and the plant weeps over. I cut the plant 25-50% or more and it regrows. Best done in the spring when the plant is actively growing.
PropagationEasy from cuttings. Cut a branch of almost any size, let the wound callus to prevent rotting and stick in a coarse rooting media. Will also root from a whole leaf cutting, but this is painfully slow.
Native SiteAfrica, South Cape to Natal
Misc Factssyn. Crassula argentea AKA: Friendship Tree, Lucky Plant, Money Tree
Author's NotesWhen moving from the indoors to the outdoors acclimated the plant by placing in a shaded spot then slowly move to the full sun. Even though it is a tough plant, the leaves will burn if put in direct sun to quickly. I still cringe every time a see the Jade in a dish garden or terrariums with low light, high humidity tropical plants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notes & Reference#05-Lexicon of Succulent Plants (Hermann Jacobsen)
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