Family: Caprifoliaceae

Scientific Name: Viburnum rufidulum

Common Name: Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum


Rusty Viburnum (V. rufidulum) is a larger shrub or small tree with glossy foliage. Name derived from the velvety, reddish pubescence covering the winter buds and emerging spring shoots.

Plant TypeShrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone5-9
Sunlightprefers partial shade
Moistureaverage to moist
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerscreamy white, 5 inch cymes
Fruitgreen-pink-blue-dark blue, drupes
Leavesopposite, simple, leathery, lustrous dark green, 2 to 4" long, burgundy fall color
Stemsbuds are covered with a fine rusty brown pubescence
Dimensions15-20 feet tall by 10-15 spread, large shrub or small understory tree
Misc FactsRusty Blackhaw gets its common name from the rusty-red winter buds. AKA: Southern Blackhaw
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr) , #214-Classic Viburnums (
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