Family: Brassicaceae

Scientific Name: Descurainia sophia

Common Name: Flixweed

DescriptionA large growing plant with highly dissected leaves.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Weeds
Hardiness Zone5
Soil & Siteaverage
TemperatureWill grow in the cold times as a winter annual.
Flowerssmall, yellow with 4 sepals, 4 petals and 6 stamens located at the tips of the branches.
Fruitseed pods are long and narrow, 20-40 seeds per pod, can produce up to 75,000 seeds per plant
Leavesalternated, highly dissected and divided 2-3 times pinnately compound, covered with star shaped hairs giving them a grayish green color
Dimensionscan reach over 3 feet tall
Propagationspreads by seeds
Native SiteFirst observed in Canada in 1821 and America in 1910
Misc FactsCan grow as an annual, biennial or winter annual. Sophia means skill or wisdom.
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