Family: Crassulaceae

Scientific Name: Sedum morganianum

Common Name: Burrows Tail, Donkeys Tail

DescriptionA very interesting but fragile Sedum. Needs bright light and an area where it won't get bumped.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Succulents
Moistureapproach dryness to dry out between watering
Soil & Sitewell drained
Growing Mediawell drained
FlowersThe pale pink flowers are attached to the terminal portion of the stem. Difficult to get flowers unless it is grown outdoors in warmer zones or in a greenhouse.
LeavesPendulous or creeping stems surrounded with bluish, spindle shaped leaves which are attached directly to the stem and are easily broken off.
DimensionsWill easily reach over 12" or more in length.
MaintenanceConstantly picking up the leaves that fall off the plant. Older plants may develop bare, base stems. Plants can be cut back and they will fill in.
Propagationtip cuttings, whole leaf cuttings
Misc FactsMexico
Author's NotesThe main problem with this plant is it constantly drops leaves when brushed against or moved. Large plants are almost impossible to transplant (unless they are trimmed way back) because of their fragile nature.
Notes & Reference#02-Exotic Plant Manual (Alfred Byrd Graf), #05-Lexicon of Succulent Plants (Hermann Jacobsen)
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