Family: Osmundaceae

Scientific Name: Osmunda regalis Purpurascens

Common Name: Purple Stem Royal Fern, Purple Royal Fern

DescriptionA large fern for the moist to wet areas of the garden with purple colored stipes.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Ferns - Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightprefers partial sun, will tolerate full sun with constant moisture
Moisturemoist to wet
Soil & Siteprefers slightly acid, will tolerate basic, should be moist to wet
FlowersFerns are non-flowering plants they produce spores. The spores are produced on a separate fertile frond in a brown tassel-like cluster at the tip of the frond.
LeavesThe new fronds and stipe (leaf stem) are tinted with a purple-red color maturing to green.
Stemsbase formed by the mass of intertwining rhizomes
DimensionsAn up right Fern reaching on average 2-4 feet by equal spread. May reach up to 6 feet in optimum conditions.
Propagationdivison, spores
Misc FactsGenus name honors Osmundus or Asmund, c. 1025, a Scandinavian writer of runes who helped prepare the way for the Swedish acceptance of Christianity.
Notes & Reference#80-A Field Guide to Ferns (Boughton Cobb) , #90-Ferns for American Gardens (John T Mickel)
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