Family: Cyperaceae

Scientific Name: Scirpus cernuus

Common Name: Fiber Optics Grass, Nodding Scripus

DescriptionA interesting moisture loving plant with tiny flowers on the end of thin grass-like foliage. The plant resembles the "fiber optic" toys bought at sporting events, concerts, etc.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Grass Ornamental
Hardiness Zone9-10
Moisturemoist to wet, resents dry
Soil & Siteboggy, wet
Flowerstiny, 1/16-1/8 inch spikes, white at the end of thin wand-like blades, forms a brown cone-like structure
Leavesthin, grass-like, forming a tufted mound.
Dimensionsthe tufts reach 12-18 inches in spread, 10-12 inches tall
Propagationeasy by seeds or division, I have done both
Native SiteNative to Europe.
Misc Factssyn Eleocharis cernus
Author's NotesA real "touchy feely" plant. I put these on my patio where people can easily touch them.
Notes & Reference#92-The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grass (John Greenlee)
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