Family: Berberidaceae

Scientific Name: Podophyllum pelatum

Common Name: May Apple


May Apple (Podophyllum pelatum) is a native wildflower that can form large colonies. Found in woodland conditions.

Plant TypeWild Flowers, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone5
SunlightGrows best a bright shade. In full sun the plants will deteriorate and disappear quicker as the summer progresses.
MoisturePrefers moist woodland conditions but tolerants a drier sites.
Soil & Sitemoist woodland
Flowerswhite, found hanging upside down under the large deeply divided leaves, 3 sepals and 3 petals
FruitForms a berry that becomes pale yellow. Hence the common name "May Apple"
Leavespalamtely lobed, light green, long petioles that can branch or remain single
DimensionsCan be aggressive if the site is right. Creeps by an underground rhizome.
Propagationseeds or divisions from the colony.
Native SiteNorth America
Author's NotesOne of the best times of year is when it is emerging out of the soil. The plants are a bronze color and it is fun to watch them unfold forming their umbrella like shape.
Notes & Reference#153-Illinois Wild Flower (, #218-Flora of Wisconsin (
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