Family: Piperaceae

Scientific Name: Peperomia clusiifolia variegata

Common Name: Variegated Red Edged Peperomia

DescriptionA colourful easy to grow indoor plant for the bright to moderate window.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zone10-11
Sunlightmoderate to bright, strong direct light can cause brown burn areas on the leaves
Moistureslightly dry, prefers added humidity
Growing Mediawell drained average house
Temperaturedoesn't like draughts or cold windows
FlowersDensely packed spikes of tiny flowers resembling a rat’s tail.
Leavesnarrow oval to oval widest toward the tip, green, red to burgundy, silver to cream, variegated, succulent
Propagationtip cuttings
Native SiteCaribbean, Brazil
Author's NotesI found this an easy plant to grow. Just watch the watering and grow in a well drained growing media.
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