Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Centaurea montana

Common Name: Mountain Bluet, Bachelors Button

DescriptionThe unique blue flower adds to the charm of this plant. In favorable sites the plant can be invasive spreading by seeds.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, partial sun
Soil & Sitetolerates most soils but prefers one with a higher ph
Temperaturegrows best in cooler regions.
Flowersmain color is blue but there are white, pink and amethyst cultivars available, flower is botanically a ray flower, outside long ray petal, florets are tubular and the ends are divided into segments, at the base of the flower each over lapping bract is tinged black
Rootstap root
MaintenanceDead heading to lateral buds can prolong bloom. Cut back to basal foliage after blooming.
Propagationseeds, division
Native SiteSpecies plant native to Europe
Misc FactsReported to be an invasive plant spreading by seeds. I have never come across this plant in area where it was considered invasive.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #54-The Well Tended Garden (DiSabato-Aust)
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