Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Rudbeckia hirta Irish Eyes

Common Name: Rudbeckia Iris Eyes

DescriptionA short lived perennial usually used as an annual in zone #5. Golden yellow flowers with a green center cone.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Hardiness Zone6-9
Sunlightfull to part sun
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerslarge, golden yellow daisy-like, with a greenish center cone
Dimensions24-30 inches tall with a spread of 24 inches
Native SiteSpecies plant native to North America.
Misc FactsThe genus name Rudbeckia is named after Olof Rudbeck the Elder and his son Olof Rudbeck the Younger. Two Swedish botanists you were friends of Linnaeus.
Author's NotesMy experience with growing the different Rudbeckia hirta cultivars in zone #5 is there is only a chance a few plants will over winter. Best grown as an annual.
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