Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Vetiveria zizanioides

Common Name: Vetiver


Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) A plant that is grown as an ornamental but has many other uses such as soil stabilization, cattle food, woven into baskets and mats, medicines, etc.

Plant TypeGrass Ornamental
Hardiness Zone9
Moistureaverage, tolerates drought, tolerates wet and submerged conditions
Soil & Siteaverage tolerates almost any type of naturally occurring soil and some contaminated in the soil
Temperatureabout 20 degrees F
Flowerswill only flower in warmer climates
Leavesstill, narrow, upright
Stemserect, stiff
Rootsfibrous, grow almost exclusively downward, deeply penetrates the soil
Dimensionsunder ideal conditions 8 feet or taller
Native Siteeastern India
Cultivar OriginThere are a few cultivars, one is Sunshine Vetiver which is noninvasive and has red/purple foliage. Originated in around 1998 from the USDA. (#156)
Misc FactsAKA: Chrysopogon zizanioides, Vetiver, Khus Khus, Phalaris zizanioides
Author's NotesThis plant seems to be a "wonder plant". Many medicines, perfumes, and oils can be extracted. It can be cattle food. Survives many different types of climates, soils, and environments. Because of this and a deep strong root system, it can be used to stabilize the soil. Leaves are also made into baskets and mats.
Notes & Reference#156-San Marcos Growers web site (, #222-The Encyclopedia of Grasses for Livable Landscapes (Rick Darke)
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