Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Amelanchier ovalis pumila

Common Name: Dwarf Garden Serviceberry


Dwarf Garden Serviceberry(Amelanchier ovalis pumila) A multistemmed compact garden shrub with white flowers in spring followed by edible fruit.

Plant TypeShrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone4
Sunlightbest in mostly sunny sites with some shade , will tolerate sunny
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage, moist, well drained alpine
Flowerswhite, borne in erect racemes, end of April before the leaves have appeared
Leavesoval, green emerges reddish bronze in spring. yellow in the fall.
Dimensions5 by 5 feet (HS)
Propagationcuttings, seeds
Cultivar OriginDiscovered and cultivated by the well-known alpine plant gardener Hans Frei in Ticino (Switzerland). Hans Frei owned a small nursery in Germany
Misc Factspumila means dwarf, SYN: Amelanchier rotundifolia, AKA: Serviceberry, Juneberry
Author's NotesThere was very little information available on this plant.
Notes & ReferenceSarastro-Stauden Nursery in Austria (
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